Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Prayer

Father God,

    I thank You today for the blessing of my husband. There was a time when I didn't think we would ever get to our first wedding anniversary, let alone our tenth. At one point, I didn't think we would actually get married. I was ready to give up and walk away. In fact, I did that once. I thank You for giving me the strength and wisdom to come back to him. He was definitely worth waiting for. You knew that even when I didn't. Thank You for not letting me give up on him.

    Thank You also for not letting him give up on me. I know that being married to me can't be an easy thing. With the illnesses and surgeries and moments of depression I have gone through in the past ten years, he had plenty of chances, reasons, and opportunities to walk away from me. Thank You, Lord, for making our love for each other strong enough that we could see the trials and troubles were worth working through.

    Lord, I pray for Your blessings on my husband today. Help him to feel close to You, and to do Your will in everything he faces. Be with him as he plays with our children and interacts with the other men from the church. Let Your love shine through all that he does.

    I ask also that you bless his hands as he works this week. He works hard for our family, and I appreciate that more than I can ever tell him. Help him as he goes into the factory every morning. Let Your love shine through him, so that his co-workers can see the peace and joy You have placed in his heart.

    Father, I thank You again for bringing him into my life. I know I am not perfect, he is not perfect, and our marriage is not perfect. But we are perfect for each other because You created us to perfectly compliment one another. Help us both to put You first and each other second no matter what we do.

    In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Lord. Amen

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