Thursday, January 21, 2010

Love Protects

    I am on day 23 of The Love Dare. I wish I knew how I had allowed myself to get so far behind. Still, I am happy that I am still working at it. In the past, I would have just given up. It's got to be "a God thing" that is keeping me moving forward on this.

    The title for today's Dare is "Love Always Protects". My first thought after reading the tile was, "Well, this should be easy to do!" I was thinking about physical protection.

    Should have known that was not what the authors meant!

    The reading talks about different things that can cause problems in a marriage, things that can come in and destroy without either spouse even realizing what is happening. There are four things that the book warns to be on guard about: Harmful Influences, Unhealthy Relationships, Shame, and Parasites. After rreading it, there is one that I can see creeping up into my marriage. It is something that my husband and I have talked about, something that I believe I have mentioned once or twice already in this blog. It is something that I am still struggling with daily. That would be Harmful Influences.

    The specific influence that I can see harming my marriage is the computer. Oh, I could sit here and say how much better I am than some people. I don't look at pornographic websites, I don't gamble, and I don't spend all of my time in chats. That doesn't matter, though. Even though there are worse things that I could be doing on the computer, the things that I am doing can cause a problem. I'm getting better, though. This week has been a good one. I've gotten a lot of work done on some projects for the ladies group at my church. That is an awesome thing. And I have been getting some personal writing in.

    Still, I've been finding time to play games on Facebook. It's a struggle to ignore them. Maybe if I didn't log onto Facebook in the first place…. The problem there is that I promote my blogs on there all the time, and I keep in touch with other writer friends on Facebook. I'm working to stay away from the games when my family is all home, though. I want to pay more attention to them than to the computer in the evenings.

1 comment:

  1. I find that with online games and such, especially ones that can be addictive, it helps to set a timer and stick with it. "I'm going to take a 30 minutes break and play Facebook game...and that's it!" And then have something planned to do afterwards, something that will keep your mind/body busy AND away from the computer, so you don't have temptation in front of you. So, play for 30 minutes and then go do the dishes, start the laundry, boss around the kids...whatever. ;-)
