Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What this is about

One of my favorite movies is Fireproof. It's not a perfect movie. Some of the dialogue is cheesy and the acting doesn't all flow well. That doesn't matter, though. It's the message in the story that is so wonderful. It's not something that is normally seen in a Hollywood film. It is the story of a rocky marriage, and the husband who is willing to do whatever he has to keep the marriage from dying. The message—that wedding vows should be taken seriously and not given up on easily—is one that more people need to hear. Shortly before my wedding, I told my husband-to-be that I intend to celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary. He said he had the same goal.

Never would I have dreamed that barely ten years into our life together we would be facing some of the same problems as Caleb and Catherine.

Things have been shaky for a while. In 2005, we experienced a miscarriage. I think that is where the downturn really came in. My sex drive dropped unbelievably low—mostly out of fear of ever going through that same pain and heartache again. A past history of clinical depression reared its head. These two things combined to drive a wedge between us. Though I have never doubted my love for him, there have been times when I wondered about his love for me. And even though I knew—and I still know—that I love my husband, that he is the man that God created for me to love, and that my life would be nothing without him, we have had times when communication is a real issue. For the past week, it's been particularly bad. Still, it caught me off guard to see his wedding ring sitting on top of his dresser this morning.

There are things that I feel like I need from my marriage that my husband isn't providing. While thinking about those things, I realized that there are probably things he needs that I am not providing. I made the decision to work on myself, to study God's word and be the wife that God intends me to be. When I saw his ring—something that he has apologized for having to take off at work—sitting there, the need to get myself straightened out felt even more urgent.

In Fireproof, Caleb Holt used a book called The Love Dare to learn more about love and how to show his love to his wife. My husband and I bought that book. It's been sitting on a bookshelf, collecting dust. After we bought it, I tried to follow it. Caring for three children and other responsibilities got in the way. Because I had read part of it, I knew a little bit about what this Love Dare is all about. I know that two of the "dares" are to not say anything negative toward your spouse and to do something nice for him or her. So that is what I did yesterday. I didn't expect my "something nice" to be received so coolly. If he hadn't noticed, that would have been OK. But when he said that he didn't want me to hold it over his head that I had done something for him…. Well, to say that hurt would be an understatement. It was nearly enough to make me give up on this whole thing.

But I am not going to! Our marriage is worth fighting for. I am not going to just sit idly by and let it die. This morning, I pulled out the book and committed myself to completing all 40 days of The Love Dare. One suggestion in the book is to keep notes on how things have changed in the marriage and in yourself because of the actions you have taken in the dare. I wasn't sure where to keep these notes. That is where this blog comes in. Even if I am the only one who ever reads it, at least I can know that I have put my thoughts out there.

From start to finish, there are 40 days in the Love Dare. Today is my Day One. Keeping on track will have me finished on January 17. That is about 12 days before my 10th wedding anniversary. Seems like a good anniversary gift.

For both of us.


  1. Lynn,

    What an awesome post! And good for you! I just love your attitude and your honesty! And you're right not to get discouraged, even if you don't see results right away. That's okay. It's about changing your attitude, and not his.

    I'm going to try to send some people to your blog so that they can follow you! I think you'll be an encouragement to many.

    If you don't mind, can you participate in my Wifey Wednesday posts? Every Wednesday by 8 EST I have a post up about marriage, and I leave linky things so people can link up their own posts. I'd love to see some of yours there! Just visit http://tolovehonorandvacuum.blogspot.com (To Love, Honor and Vacuum) on Wednesday mornings and post in!

    (I've also had past Wifey Wednesday posts that focused on boosting your sex drive, so if you're interested in that, just visit Wifey Wednesday and then click on the Wifey Wednesday tag to see all the archived ones!).

    Blessings in your Love Dare!

  2. You go girl!!!! =)

    I, too, watched this movie last year with my husband, and then bought a copy for each of us for Christmas. Despite watching him put his copy directly onto the shelf...I committed to sticking with it, because marriage IS something worth fighting for!! Well, like you, we have 3 kids, full-time jobs, responsibilities and life just seem to catch you up in it's fast moving tide!! My book too, has been put on the shelf!

    I did learn a few things from those first few weeks, that I have put into practice, but I think you have just given me the motivation and encouragement I needed to pick it up again, and really commit to trying it!! :) What better way to start off a New Year!!

    Thank you again, Lynn, for this wonderfully refreshing and honest post!! And thanks, Sheila G. for tweeting about this 'awesome wife'!! :)

    I look forward to following your 40-day journey and to being both a cheerleader and supporter for you!! I'll keep both you and your husband in prayer, and I wish you all the best!!


    PS - If you're on Twitter I'll see you there, too!! :)

  3. I found you through Sheila's blog To Love, Honor and Vacuum. I am going to follow your blog because I too have been in a place where I wasn't sure if my marriage would make it or not. Fireproof gave us a lot to think about.

    Like you, I decided to focus on ME and make changes in myself. I hope that you find the same outcome that I have... or an even better one.

  4. We're at a similar place in our marriage, too. We've only been married 5 years, though. With six kids(two of them special needs), and two careers to manage,it seems like we have no time for 'us' at all. I'm not sure I can even remember the last time my husband and I had an uninterrupted conversation.

    I'm going to follow your blog, Lynn, and pick up a copy of this book. Might make a nice Christmas gift for us.
    Healing prayers coming your way.


  5. Wow where do I start? I'm here from Sheila's blog also and I'm going through probably the worst times of my life. I've also been married 10 years and this is a second marriage for me. I love my husband so much but our communication is horrible. I think its him and he thinks its me. We are good at throwing the blame around. I've always said I didn't want us to lose respect for each other by name calling and just saying those things to each other that we really didn't mean because it is sooo hard to let that stuff go because deep down you really do believe your partner just might mean it. Well I've kept my end of this bargain but he hasn't. I don't want to paint a terrible picture of my husband because he really is the most caring man and I truly believes he loves me but then I ask how can he say such hurtful things sometime? Well to cut this short I bought the Love Dare awhile back and like many its sitting in a drawer. Your post has motivated me to get it out and take the dare with you. Maybe we can encourage each other during these days ahead. I sure hope so.

  6. Wow! I am humbled by all of the comments. To think that I nearly didn't even start this blog. I wasn't sure if it was going to work out or not. A big part of me was scared that I would fail at the Love Dare again. But with all of the support and encouragement I am already seeing from all of you, I am sure that I can do this. Thanks!

  7. How wonderful that you are sharing your journey. I look forward to reading your posts. Remember, if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

    God Bless!

  8. Lynn, I'm proud of you and your commitment to God and your husband, and to yourself to follow through on this. I'm reading, and I'm sure I'll be learning.

  9. Lynn, I just wanted to say that you can do it! With God as your source, all things are possible. My husband and I went through something similar only a few years after we got married (we are now going on 9 years!). Through years of mis-communication and about a year of almost no significant communication, we have made it through. There was a turning point where everything just changed. And you know what changed? ME!!!! Of all the thoughts that HE needed to change and HE was the problem, God changed me! Life still has it's ups and downs, but we now know that if we made it through that, we can make it through anything.

    I'll be praying for you and reading your blog to watch your journey.


  10. Found your blog through Nicolasa. I so admire what you are doing. I am getting married in March and I want all the wisdom I can get. I know lots of friends who thought their marriage was hopeless, but God intervened! With Him, all things are possible!!! I will be praying for you and following your blog. Hope things are better than they were at the first post!

  11. Thank you. I am glad that the blog is helping someone. God bless.
